The word community involvement goes hand and hand with S.A.M. Tree Service of Dawsonville, Georgia.
S.A.M. provides high-angle billboard sign installation for Dawson Family Connection, a local nonprofit.
S.A.M. donates firewood to families in need through several regional nonprofits.
S.A.M. regularly donates wood mulch and trees to local parks and civic organizations.
S.A.M. has donated the use of its labor force in past Emergency Management Service storm cleanups and search and rescue operations.
S.A.M. has provided free Tree Hazard Assessments for Downtown Historical Gainesville.
S.A.M. President, Tim Costley, speaks as a
Certified Arborist at local schools and civic meeting on topics such as Arboricultural careers. He also hosts seminars concerning local tree related problems (ie. draught, Pine Beetle infestation, Sudden Oak Death, Hemlock Wooly Adelgid, and other diseases that occur is Georgia Trees).